
Attitude - One of the Keys to Success

Attitude - One of the Keys to Success. The world we live in and daily circumstances can many times contribute to us having a bad attitude. However, a good attitude and positive thinking can be the ingredient to change things around and see issues from a different perspective. A good attitude and positive thinking is crucial to success in life in general. I was having a hard time with a situation where I felt there was no more grace to go on but then I realized that by changing my attitude God gave me the extra grace I needed to continue. Today, I would like to share one of the devotionals from my book Devotions for Working Women that reminds us how important it is to have a good and positive attitude.

Have a Good Attitude
# 269

Philippians 2:5 (NLT)
Your attitude should be the same that Christ Jesus had.

Always having a good attitude in life is crucial to success, yet it is not always easy. We live in the world, and we will face tribulation and problems while we are here. We are not to ignore them, but we are not to let them rule and take over our lives either. We take control, confront the situations, and fight the good fight of faith. When we know that God is with us to guide us, comfort us, and give us peace, we should then gain the attitude of a conqueror. Jesus was humble and obedient to God. He also trusted God and believed Him.

Philippians 4:4 (NLT) says to “Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!”

Verse 6 tells us, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” These scriptures help us keep a good attitude.

Always Help Others

Always Help Others. Every day we have opportunities to help others around us. However, we miss the opportunities because we are too busy with our own issues. Many times those opportunities don’t present themselves again. Today, I want to encourage you to take the step and help someone at the time that person needs you not when it’s convenient for you. In the workplace God will give you opportunities to help your employees, peers or even your superiors. Don’t miss them. Act on them. Today’s devotional encourages us to do so.

Be Willing to Help Others

Proverbs 3:27 (NLT)
Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them.

As we grow in our careers and become more successful and influential, we will enjoy many more opportunities to help develop and guide other individuals. As a leader, it’s important to not withhold good from those who deserve it—especially when we have the power and ability to help them.

When you help others, it shows you are not afraid of sharing success. Some of those you helped will remember you and be loyal to you in the future. You should also never forget those who helped you get where you are today. You can help others in several different ways. Sometimes it may be a word of recommendation for a promotion, encouragement for a project well done, or praise for individuals in front of their colleagues. Not only is helping others a rewarding experience, but in the end you will gain their favor and be a witness to them of the love of God.

Help Others

Every day we are faced with opportunities to help others in the workplace. In today’s devotional, I would like to encourage you to find those situations where you are able to help those around you—especially if you are in a leadership position. Don’t be afraid to help people by sharing your knowledge and tips for success. God will reward you for helping others when you are in need of help.

Be Willing to Help Others

Proverbs 3:27 (NLT)
Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them.

As we grow in our careers and become more successful and influential, we will enjoy many more opportunities to help develop and guide other individuals. As a leader, it’s important to not withhold good from those who deserve it—especially when we have the power and ability to help them.

When you help others, it shows you are not afraid of sharing success. Some of those you helped will remember you and be loyal to you in the future. You should also never forget those who helped you get where you are today. You can help others in several different ways. Sometimes it may be a word of recommendation for a promotion, encouragement for a project well done, or praise for individuals in front of their colleagues. Not only is helping others a rewarding experience, but in the end you will gain their favor and be a witness to them of the love of God.

The Biblical Mindset of a Lifelong Learner

The Biblical Mindset of a Lifelong Learner. In today’s world we need to continue to learn and hone our skills in order to succeed in the workplace. But we cannot forget that in order to deepen our relationship with God we also must continue to learn of His things and more about Him as our Father. In today’s devotional, I would like to encourage you to adopt the biblical mindset of a lifelong learner for both work as well as the things of God.

Acquire a Lifelong Learning Attitude
Mark 4:25 (NLT)

To those who are open to my teaching, more understanding will be given. But to those who are not listening, even what they have will be taken away from them.

Jesus encouraged His disciples to always be open to listen and continue to learn from Him because the higher their desire was to learn, the more they understood. On the contrary, people who don’t care or listen to the things of God drift away and forget even the little they know.

To be successful in the corporate world and our personal lives, we need to adopt the biblical mindset of a lifelong learner. This is true in the natural as well as in the spiritual area. We cannot grow in our spiritual journey with God if we don’t spend time learning from Him and are not open to His daily teaching to us. Jesus, through His Holy Spirit, is willing to teach us how to live our lives and be successful in every area.

Jesus said those who are open to His teachings will receive more understanding because the things of God are understood with the spirit, not with our human minds. When we open our hearts to learn about the things of God, our spiritual understanding is illuminated and we receive revelation—the moment when we “get it.”

Purpose in your heart to be open to the biblical mindset of a lifelong learner and adopt a learning attitude both professional and spiritually. This will ensure a well-balanced successful life here on earth.

Seek Advice from Others

Seek Advice from Others. Throughout our working days we make countless decisions without asking anyone else. But sometimes we encounter a decision that is more difficult and that can have deeper consequences if we make the wrong choice. Today’s devotional encourages to seek advice from others to help us make the right decisions.

Seeking Advice Is Vital to Success
# 272

Proverbs 15:22 (NLT)
Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many counselors bring success.

Often times we think we can do things alone and we don’t need advice from anybody. God encourages us to work in teams and with many counselors to be successful.

Don’t be too proud to seek advice when you are faced with a difficult situation at work or when you are given a new project to manage. Ask God for direction as to whom to seek advice from and who should be part of your team. Different people bring different opinions and experiences to the table that can help you succeed. If you are a business owner, consider a team of professionals (counselors) to help you in your business planning.

Faith and Patience

Faith and Patience. Today I just want to encourage you to have faith in God that He will help you with whatever situation you are going through at the time. I also want to encourage you to be patient while you wait for God to respond to your prayers. The devotional for today helps us to do this. Enjoy!

Faith and Patience Are Key to Your Success

# 266

James 1:2-4 (KJV)

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

Part of living in this world is to experience trials and temptations. James encourages us to use those trials as an opportunity for joy because it is by going through those experiences that we grow and learn to be patient. When we become “perfect” (or mature in patience), we arrive at a spiritual place where we are entire and want nothing.

God allows us to go through those trials so we can grow in Him—in faith and patience. Remember, the test is on what we believe. When we pass those tests, our faith is stronger and we move on to the next level of maturity in the Lord.

Faith and patience are two crucial ingredients to your success in life. If you are experiencing trials at work or at home, ask God, in faith, for wisdom to know what to do and for patience to help you get through it. The first key is to have faith and believe God will answer you and help you out of that situation. The second key is to have patience while you wait for His answer. If you do this, you will come out in the end more mature and patient—wanting nothing.

Avoid Complaining

Avoid Complaining. Sometimes when we have a lot going on we may have the tendency to complain and feel sorry for ourselves. Even though we may be overwhelmed we must avoid complaining because that behavior drives people away. One of the ways we can avoid complaining is by not getting ourselves in situations where we are overcommitted. We need to keep balance in our lives and say no when we know we cannot commit to new activities. Today I would like to share with you a devotional that talks about avoiding this kind of behavior. Enjoy!

Avoid Complaining and Arguing
# 261

Philippians 2:14-15 (NLT)

In everything you do, stay away from complaining and arguing, so that no one can speak a word of blame against you. You are to live clean, innocent lives as children of God in a dark world full of crooked and perverse people. Let your lives shine brightly before them.

In our lives, both at work and at home, there are always reasons for us to complain and reasons to argue with other people. The Word tells us to do the opposite—to live our lives clean and innocent, to be an example to other people, to walk in love, and shine our light before them. When we do this, no one can speak anything against us. We accomplish this by following the example of Jesus. He did it by spending time with the Father. That is the only way we will ever become more like Him. Little by little we will learn to not be bugged by worldly things, to really walk in love, and see things from a different perspective—His.

Schedule time with the Lord and spend time with Him so you are able to avoid complaining and arguing.

Let's Stay Healthy and Productive

Let's Stay Healthy and Productive. As we continue to hear about Social Security (In the United States) not being here for us when we get older, and as we hear more about the health care reform, two things come to mind: 1) we must remain in good health so we can continue to work longer than planned, and 2) we must keep a good attitude toward life and see our life here on earth as a training ground for what God has prepared for us in eternity. When we have that perspective in life, we start thinking of new things we can do and learn to help others while we are here. Today I want to encourage you to always be fruitful in your life and want to share one of the devotionals in my book, Devotions for Working Women. Enjoy!

Purpose to Remain Fruitful Always
# 271

Psalm 92:14 (NLT)
Even in old age they will produce fruit; they will remain vital and green.

In this verse, Moses is referring to the godly. In verse 12 he says, “But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like cedars of Lebanon.” I plan to be a godly woman who will continue to produce fruit, be vital, and healthy even in my old age. Do you see yourself that way too?

Are you of old age now and still working and being productive? Then I’m proud of you. Some women start saying they’re old when they’re in their thirties, forties, or even fifties. If you retire at fifty-five or sixty-five, you still may have thirty to forty years to live. What are your plans? If you work for God, you will never retire. You have work for an eternity—to rule and reign with Him forever. Your time here is only preparation. I’m planning to continue my learning, preparation, and training until the day I meet Him personally in heaven. Do you?

Change your perspective with regards to work. When you work for the King, the Most High, our Father God, He will never lay you off, His benefits are the best, and He pays with His riches in glory!
It’s never too late to go back to school, start your own business, or start a new career. Follow your heart through the leading of the Holy Spirit. Be fruitful.

New Year - New Ideas

New Year - New Ideas. As we start the New Year and get going with our jobs, it is always good to take account of what we do at work. Do you have old procedures or processes that need to be revised or improved? Do you do things just because that’s how they always did them in your company before you started working there? If that’s the case, a New Year is always a great opportunity to change old ways and create new ways of doing the old. This will not only help you improve efficiencies in your company but will also help you to get excited about your job again. Today I want to share with you a devotional that talks about being open to new ideas. Enjoy!

Be Open to New Ideas
# 262

Proverbs 18:15 (KJV)
The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge.

Successful people are always looking for new ideas and how to improve current processes. No matter what you do or where you work, always look for new ideas. Welcome change and be open to doing things in a new way. You can transform an old job into a brand new one just by implementing new ideas and ways of doing things. The New Living Translation version of this verse says it this way: “Intelligent people are always open to new ideas. In fact, they look for them.”

Make an effort to be more open. Ask God for new ideas to implement in your job and in your business. When you get the ideas, implement them (if it’s within your realm of authority) or seek the appropriate approval. If you are a manager, always be open to your employees’ ideas. They will be grateful you considered them even if you don’t end up implementing them.

New Year's Resolution

New Year’s Resolution. As we start a New Year, instead of making the same resolutions we’ve all done in the past such as losing weight or working out, let’s make a new resolution—to acquire a life-long learning attitude. We not only need to be learning more of the things of God to make it in this world, but we also need to learn more in our jobs and industry. Like the author in one of my management books said, “The more you learn, the more you earn.”

Today, I want to share with you one of the devotionals from my book, Devotions for Working Women, that talks about how we can achieve this goal. Enjoy!

Acquire a Life-long Learning Attitude
# 260
Mark 4:25 (NLT)

To those who are open to my teaching, more understanding will be given. But to those who are not listening, even what they have will be taken away from them.

Jesus encouraged His disciples to always be open to listen and continue to learn from Him because the higher their desire was to learn, the more they understood. On the contrary, people who don’t care or listen to the things of God drift away and forget even the little they know.

To be successful in the corporate world and our personal lives, we need to become life-long learners. This is true in the natural as well as in the spiritual area. We cannot grow in our spiritual journey with God if we don’t spend time learning from Him and are not open to His daily teaching to us. Jesus, through His Holy Spirit, is willing to teach us how to live our lives and be successful in every area.

Jesus said those who are open to His teachings will receive more understanding because the things of God are understood with the spirit, not with our human minds. When we open our hearts to learn about the things of God, our spiritual understanding is illuminated and we receive revelation—the moment when we “get it.”

Purpose in your heart to be open to a life-long learning attitude both professional and spiritually. This will ensure a well-balanced successful life here on earth.