Take Time To Be Thankful

Take Time To Be Thankful. Every day we have an opportunity to be thankful to God for everything He has done for us. Today is no exception. Take some time to thank Him for your life. No matter what you are going through, if you have God with you it will be better than going through it alone. Today, I want to share the devotional from my book Devotions for Working Women that encourages us to be thankful.

God takes Pleasure in Our Thoughts about Him
Psalm 104:34 (NLT)

May he be pleased by all these thoughts about him, for I rejoice in the Lord.

While meditating on the Lord’s goodness, I started naming all the things He is to me, and to all of us, if we let Him. After many words that came to my mind I soon ran out of English words to call Him. Then I read this passage and wondered if He is pleased when we think of Him in those terms and the answer is, absolutely! What earthly father doesn’t enjoy and is not pleased in knowing that his children think good thoughts about him? Imagine then, how much more it pleases God when we meditate on Him, on His person, and His attributes.

I encourage you to think of words, adjectives, and descriptions of God and what He is to you, and write them down. You can get started by saying He is your loving Father, your Savior, your teacher, your friend, your helper, your encourager, your cheerleader, your hope, your source of life… When you think these thoughts about Him, He will be pleased and you will be blessed.